
Our Testifiers

I am a Kenya Citizen by birth Living in Kenya at Kapenguria. I am a mother of six Children who are still schooling today, my husband is a person living with physical disability and without a job, so he is not able to provide for the family. I Am a born again Child of God, a member in the body Christ and worshiping God at Christian Care International Church here at Kapenguria, God led me to this Church when I was totally Hopeless in life and I had nowhere to run to with my family for help. I was not able to feed my Children and pay for our family Bills since I was jobless, what I could do was just move around looking for where I can be given clothe to wash so that I can get something little to feed my family. Today I am still struggling with family Bills but am full of God’s divine and total Hope in my life, due to the Precious Love of Jesus Christ. I would love to thank God for Rev. Solomon for the Spiritual guidance and moral support through inspiring word of God. I am one woman among many who attended the conference held in our Church (CCIC) Kapenguria here when the servant of God Pastor Judith Kerr visited Kenya, I just want to say I was very much blessed with the word of God through Pastor Judith Kerr and her testimonies, Pastor Judith you were sent just for my life and God bless you dearly. Through your support Pastor Judith, I can see my life improving every day thank you for a heart of support that you have accorded me through the Man of God Rev. Solomon, I appreciate very much as you can see from my business photos bellow my small scale business is improving daily. Personally I appreciate Judith Kerr ministry/HitDC and Christian Care International Church for restoring hope in my life again. Even thou I am still struggling with school fees and other small bills here and there but my family today cannot sleep without something to eat, God bless Judith Kerr Ministry God bless Christian Care International Church. However, Pastor Judith on behalf of women that your ministry is supporting as Rev. Solomon Omukuyia I would like to say thank you and God bless Judith Kerr ministry
Nancy Simiyu Simonde
As Christian Care International Church we are much more great full to God for allowing Pastor Judith E. Kerr to visit Kenya Africa and preaching in our Church here at Kapenguria. As a Reverent serving in this Church I bless the name of the Lord for the visit of Pastor Judith Kerr, she is truly a Blessing to the Body Christ. There are so much Testimonies here concerning Pastor Judith Kerr’s Visit here, but allow me to share this one of one Widow Mrs. Mary Lokwameri who was among the widows and Single Mothers who attended the conference when Pastor Judith was Sharing the word of God and her life Testimony, “I was touched very much with what Pastor Judith Kerr went through in life and this has really strengthened me very much. Pastor Judith gave me this word of hope “put off the apparel of widowhood” and that I put on the Garment of HOPE which is JESUS Christ” Hallelujah (Mrs. Mary Lokwameri) Pastor Judith E. Kerr God Bless you and God Bless your Church back at Canada where you Fellowship, Our Church in Canada thank you for allowing Pastor Judith Kerr CHEPERUR to come and minister to us here at Kapenguria. CHEPERUR is her Kenyan Name meaning BLESSING
Christian Care International Church (The Well of Jacob)
Kapenguria Church Testimony